Video experimentation, Lyon 15-31st May 2020

Thanks to Laura Lermigeaux, Gian Aranguren, Laetitia Derain and Florine Robin.

While I was experimenting with OBNI during the confinement I listened to an electronica album and this song, Opal, really resonated with the visual I was doing.

As I was looking for meaning in my visuals, I realized that this song didn’t have a video clip and that those visuals I was making, could really help telling its story.

Opal, from the album Gardens of Curious Flowers by MASSLESS, a triphop band from Lyon.

So after contacting the band who was glad to collaborate with me, I immersed myself in the song, analyzing both the lyrics and the music. This helped me to create different scenes in Unity and I recorded a lot of video material in the melancholic-dark-mysterious ambiance of the album.

With all this material I started editing in Premiere Pro and after a few iterations with the band, we created this music video.